You found my home on the internet! There’s really nothing to see here. So how about reading a random page from Wikipedia?
But since you can’t stop yourself reading this far I’ll keep talking
Free Software & Open Source Software are key elements of our digital infrastructure and they deserve your support. Currently I support the following projects with a small monthly amount or a membership:
- Mastodon is an alternative to birdsite (aka Twitter)
- FreeCAD is a solid modelling application similar to SolidWorks or Fusion360
- BlenderBIM is an OpenBIM NativeIFC application built on Blender
- OSArch supports open source in architecture, engineering & construction
- Free Software Foundation (USA) has the mission to promote computer user freedom
- Free Software Foundation Europe has the mission to promote computer user freedom
- Liberapay is a free crowdfunding platform with zero fees
- Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralized communication